CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Thursday’s New York Times ran an article by Thomas J. Fitzgerald about how to protect your privacy on-line. Here is an excerpt: The tools and techniques that can be used…
Super-DMCA Page Available
I have created a page at with information about the state Super-DMCA bills and laws. I will update the page with status information as it comes in, and later…
Super-DMCA Already Passed in Michigan
Alert reader Larry Blunk reports that the state of Michigan has already passed a set of super-DMCA laws. They will take effect on March 31. Here is the text of…
Intent Requirements in the State Super-DMCA Bills
Several readers point out that the state super-DMCA bills contain language requiring an “intent to harm or defraud a communications service”, and they suggest that such a requirement makes the…
MPAA Lobbying for State Super-DMCA Bills
The MPAA has reportedly been lobbying in favor of the overreaching state super-DMCA bills I discussed yesterday. Apparently, the MPAA has been circulating this one-pager in support of the bills.…
Use a Firewall, Go to Jail
The states of Massachusetts and Texas are preparing to consider bills that apparently are intended to extend the national Digital Millennium Copyright Act. (TX bill; MA bill) The bills are…
Finkelstein Replies on ARDG and the Press
Seth Finkelstein replies to my previous posting on companies’ press policies by suggesting that companies are rational to keep their engineers away from the press, because of concerns about being…
NRC Report on Authentication Technology and Privacy
The authoritative National Research Council has issued an important new report entitled “Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy.” Like all NRC reports, this is an in-depth document…
More on ARDG and the Press
I wrote yesterday about the ARDG’s policy, banning the press from the otherwise open ARDG meetings. Apparently the official rationale for this is that some companies refuse to allow the…
Leaks From CERT's "Good Guys" List
Brian McWilliams at Wired News reports on the leakage of unreleased security alerts from the government-funded CERT coordination center. Three secret alerts sent to members of CERT’s “good guys” club…