CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Two of the best sources on the RIAA vs. student lawsuits come, appropriately, from other students. Joe Barillari, a student in my “Information Technology and the Law” course at Princeton,…
LaBrea Unavailable Due To Illinois SuperDMCA
Tom Liston, the author of the award-winning LaBrea security software, has announced that he will no longer make LaBrea available, because of concerns over the Super-DMCA, which has already become…
Security Research Muzzled in Georgia
A state court in Georgia has issued temporary restraining order, which forced the cancellation of a conference panel this past weekend. A company called Blackboard, which sells campus automation systems…
Will the RIAA Sue Google?
Recently, the RIAA sued four college students for alleged copyright violations, including contributory infringement. The contributory infringement claims are based on assertions that the students ran search engines that can…
This week, the MPAA reportedly has narrowed its Super-DMCA legislation yet again, this time to add special carve-outs to protect ISPs and telephone companies. This is supposed to improve the…
Berkeley Weblog Discussion
I’ll be appearing (by phone) at tonight’s “Weblogs Information and Society” event at UC Berkeley. The event will be webcast. (See the link above for webcast info.) Other participants include…
The MPAA's Latest
Some assertions demand a detailed rebuttal, and others just speak for themselves. A story by Louis Trager in today’s Washington Internet Daily quotes MPAA Vice President Vans Stevenson on their…
What’s the Goal of the Super-DMCA?
One of the mysteries surrounding the Super-DMCA is what its purpose might be. The arguments in favor of it are all vague, amounting to nothing more than “If you dislike…
RIAA Lawsuit Complaints Available
More information is now available about the lawsuits filed by RIAA yesterday against college students. Findlaw has copies of the complaints in the four suits. complaint vs. Jesse Jordan [RPI…
MPAA Revises Model Super-DMCA Legislation
The MPAA has drawn up a significantly revised version of its model Super-DMCA language. Although it will take some time to analyze the new language, it’s clearly an important step…