CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Last week at the Usenix Security Symposium, I gave an invited talk, with the same title as this post. The gist of the talk was that the debate about DRM…
Blocked by Barracuda
Reader Jason Green reports that this site is blocked by Barracuda Spyware Firewall version 210. They say it’s a hacking site. Here’s a screenshot. UPDATE (August 4): Barracuda has acknowledged…
Bill Gates: Is he an IP Maximalist, or an Open Access Advocate?
Maybe both. On July 20, the Wall Street Journal reported: Frustrated that over two decades of research have failed to produce an AIDS vaccine, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates is…
The New Yorker Covers Wikipedia
Writing in this week’s New Yorker, Stacy Schiff takes a look at the Wikipedia phenomenon. One sign that she did well: The inevitable response page at Wikipedia is almost entirely…
More on Meta-Freedom
Tim Lee comments: The fact that you can waive your free speech rights via contract doesn’t mean that it would be a good idea to enact special laws backing up…
The Freedom to Tinker with Freedom?
Doug Lay, commenting on my last post, pointed out that the Zune buyout would help make a world of DRM-enabled music services more attractive. “Where,” he asked, “does this leave…
Rethinking DRM Dystopia
Thanks to Ed for the flattering introduction – now if only I can live up to it! It’s an honor (and a little intimidating) to be guest blogging on FTT…
Guest Blogger: David Robinson
I’m thrilled to welcome David Robinson as a guest blogger. David was a star student in my InfoTech and the Law course at Princeton a few years ago. He received…
Banner Ads Launch Security Attacks
An online banner advertisement that ran on and other sites over the past week used a Windows security flaw to infect more than a million users with spyware when…
Taking Stevens Seriously
From the lowliest blogger to Jon Stewart, everybody is laughing at Sen. Ted Stevens and his remarks (1.2MB mp3) on net neutrality. The sound bite about the Internet being “a…