Eric Rescorla recently released an interesting paper analyzing data on the discovery of security bugs in popular products. I have some minor quibbles with the paper’s main argument (and I may write more about that later) but the data analysis alone makes the paper worth reading. Briefly, what Eric did is to take data about reported security vulnerabilities, and fit it to a standard model of software reliability. This allowed him to estimate the number of security bugs in popular software products and the rate at which those bugs will be found in the future.
When a product version is shipped, it contains a certain number of security bugs. Over time, some of these bugs are found and fixed. One hopes that the supply of bugs is depleted over time, so that it gets harder (for both the good guys and the bad guys) to find new bugs.
The first conclusion from Eric’s analysis is that there are many, many security bugs. This confirms the expectations of many security experts. My own rule of thumb is that typical release-quality industrial code has about one serious security bug per 3,000 lines of code. A product with tens of millions of lines of code will naturally have thousands of security bugs.
The second conclusion is a bit more surprising: there is little if any depletion of the bug supply. Finding and fixing bugs seems to have a small effect, or no effect at all, on the rate at which new bugs are discovered. It seems that the supply of security bugs is practically inexhaustible.
If true, this conclusion has profound implications for how we think about software security. It implies that once a version of a software product is shipped, there is nothing anybody can do to improve its security. Sure, we can (and should) apply software patches, but patching is just a treadmill and not a road to better security. No matter how many bugs we fix, the bad guys will find it just as easy to uncover new ones.
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