• IEEE Wants DMCA "Clarified"

    Several writers on Slashdot and in blogland have applauded IEEE’s new position on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. (IEEE is a professional society for electrical engineers.) It’s good to see that IEEE is finally waking up to this issue. Other professional societies, including ACM and CRA, have been on top of it for a long…

  • Static Control Files for DMCA Exemption

    I wrote previously about the lawsuit filed by printer maker Lexmark against Static Control, a maker of toner cartridge remanufacturing parts. Lexmark claims that Static Control is violating the DMCA by making toner cartridges that do what is necessary to work in Lexmark printers. The Copyright Office has allowed Static Control to file a late…

  • Court Orders Verizon to Reveal Customer's Identity

    U.S. District Court Judge John D. Bates has ordered Verizon to turn over to the RIAA the identity of a Verizon customer who allegedly used Verizon’s ISP service to infringe copyrights on recorded music. Verizon had argued that they should not be compelled to reveal this information. More to come, once I have had a…

  • Another DMCA Attack on Interoperation

    Chamberlain Group, a maker of garage door openers, has brought a DMCA suit against Skylink Technologies. Chamberlain makes garage door openers; Skylink makes remote controls that can interoperate with Chamberlain systems, i.e., if you have a Chamberlain opener, you can operate it with a Skylink remote. Chamberlain’s complaint is short on details, but their summary…

  • DMCA Used to Prevent Interoperation

    Declan McCullagh at CNet news.com reports on a lawsuit filed by printer manufacturer Lexmark against Static Control (SC), a maker of toner cartridges for Lexmark printers. Lexmark wants to stop SC from making toner cartridges that work in Lexmark printers. The suit makes a novel and disturbing use of the DMCA anti-circumvention law. Here are…

  • DMCA Submission Site

    The U.S. government’s Copyright Office has put up a site containing all of the requested exemptions from the DMCA’s ban on circumvention of access controls. There are fifty submissions in all, including mine. In January, the reply comment period will open. Anyone can submit reply comments, either opposing or supporting any of the requested exemptions.…

  • Movie Studios File DMCA Suit Against 321

    According to an AP story by Ron Harris, Seven major motion picture studios filed a counterclaim Thursday in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California against 321 Studios, makers of DVD Copy Plus and DVD X Copy. The software sold at stores nationwide allows the user to make a copy of a DVD to a…

  • My DMCA Exemption Request

    Yesterday was the deadline for submitting to the Librarian of Congress any requests for exemptions from the DMCA’s ban on circumvention of access control technologies. I submitted a request, asking for an exemption for legitimate research study of access control technologies.

  • More On Elcomsoft's Acquittal

    Orin Kerr at The Volokh Conspiracy explains why ElcomSoft’s ignorance of the law was an excuse in this instance. Also, some are suggesting that jury nullification may have played a role in ElcomSoft’s acquittal. (“Jury nullification” refers to a jury’s refusal to find guilt under a law because they consider that law unjust.) An AP…

  • ElcomSoft Acquitted

    Lisa Bowman at news.com reports that the jury has found ElcomSoft not guilty of criminally violating the DMCA. It will be interesting to watch the reaction to this. Some people may try to read a lot into the verdict, but this is probably a mistake. Apparently, the verdict relied not on the drawbacks of the…