CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
A Federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against the Aimster file sharing service. The judge found it likely that Aimster will ultimately (after all the evidence is heard) be…
Defense of Berman-Coble Bill Offered
In Politech today, Congressman Berman (through an aide) offers a defense of the proposed Berman-Coble bill. (This bill would legalize certain forms of hacking by copyright owners against users of…
Adobe Files DMCA Challenge
Adobe has filed a federal lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment that its Acrobat product does not violate the DMCA’s anti-circumvention provisions. (Here’s Adobe’s press release. I don’t have a link…
R.I.P. Napster
A judge has nixed Bertelsmann’s purchase of Napster. This looks like the end of the road for Napster. From now on Napster will be nothing but a cautionary example –…
Source Code and Object Code
[This item is long and geeky. Sorry about that. I hope that at least some of you will find it interesting. The rest of you can skip right to the…
Misleading Term of the Week: "Content Owner"
Many discussions of copyright refer to “content owners.” The language of ownership is often misused in these contexts, for example by saying that Disney “owns” The Lion King, or by…
Greece Bans Electronic Games
CNet reports that Greece has banned all electronic games, including ones that run on PCs or on mobile phones, apparently in an effort to crack down on gambling. This is…
Sites Blocked In China
Jonathan Zittrain and Ben Edelman at Harvard have a site listing URLs that are blocked in China. In addition to some obvious sites (related to things like Chinese dissidents, the…
The Inflationary Theory of Censorship
China’s recent decision to block its citizens’ access to Google has been much discussed. Google does not itself offer “subversive” content, so the goal must have been to keep people…
Apple Uses DMCA Threat Against Competing Product
Declan McCullagh at reports on Apple’s use of a DMCA threat to force a useful product off the market. Apple’s iDVD application allows the user to burn DVDs –…