CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Donna Wentworth offers a pithy summary of the commentary on Lessig’s DRM piece, over at Copyfight.
Rebecca Mercuri on the Florida Voting Fiasco
Rebecca Mercuri writes, in the RISKS Forum: Well, Florida’s done it again. Tuesday’s Florida primary election marked its first large-scale roll-out of tens of thousands of brand-new voting machines that…
Lessig, DRM, and Palladium
As I noted yesterday, Lessig’s Red Herring piece on Palladium has generated a lot of interesting talk among techno-law-bloggers. (See e.g. Copyfight, Ernie the Attorney, Lessig, and Frank Field.) This…
Lessig on Microsoft and DRM
Larry Lessig has a provocative piece in Red Herring on Microsoft’s plans regarding DRM and Palladium. Lessig says that Palladium is not as bad as some people say, and that…
China Stops Blocking Google
AP reports that China is no longer blocking Google. (Ben Edelman’s site at Harvard confirms this.)
Reed: LaGrande Another 432?
David Reed has an interesting perspective on Intel’s LaGrande proposal. Reed likens LaGrande to the Intel 432 processor. Few non-techies have heard of the 432, but in the processor-design community…
Intel to Offer "Security" Features in Future Microprocessors
Intel is reportedly planning to include security technologies, code-named “LaGrande,” in a future processor chip. I haven’t seen much in the way of technical detail. The article referenced above says:…
Classic Security Paper, with New Commentary
If you’re interested in computer security, check out the new paper by Paul Karger and Roger Schell. Thirty years ago, Karger and Schell wrote a classic paper reviewing the security…
Economist Article
The article on me and my pro-tinkering work, from the June 20th issue of the Economist, is now available on line.
Dornseif on Source Code and Object Code
Maximillian Dornseif offers another comment on my source code vs. object code posting. He points out, correctly, that we can still define “source code” and “object code” reasonably. We can…