CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Today on Fritz’s Hit List: digital aircraft intercoms. These devices, which let the pilot or co-pilot of an aircraft speak to passengers, qualify for regulation as “digital media devices” under…
The Fallacy of the Almost-General-Purpose Computer
I was at a conference in Washington, DC on Friday and Saturday. Participants included some people who are reasonably plugged in to the Washington political process. I was stunned to…
Fritz's Hit List #16
Today on Fritz’s Hit List: talking pill bottles. These pill bottles, designed as an aid to visually impaired patients, play a recorded audio message to identify themselves, so they qualify…
Lessig's Post-Mortem on the Eldred Arguments
Larry Lessig offers an extraordinary post-mortem on this week’s Supreme Court arguments in the Eldred case. Lessig deserves our enduring thanks, and a long, peaceful vacation.
Bricklin: Copy Protection Robs the Future
Dan Bricklin explains how copy restriction technology frustrates archiving of historically interesting works. Archivists normally preserve works by copying them; so works that can’t be copied may never be archived.…
Fritz's Hit List #15
Today on Fritz’s Hit List: the Wallace and Gromit talking alarm clock. This alarm clock wakes its owner by playing copyrighted audio, so it qualifies for regulation as a “digital…
Fritz's Hit List #14
Today on Fritz’s Hit List: scrolling signs. These signs display digital information, which may be copyrighted, in visual form, so they qualify for regulation as “digital media devices” under the…
CNet Radio Interview
I’ll be interviewed on CNet Radio today, at some point between 1:30 and 2:00 P.M. Eastern time. Click here if you want to listen to a live feed.
Fritz's Hit List #13
Today on Fritz’s Hit List: Hallmark’s “Circus Mountain Railroad” Christmas ornament. (To see it, go to Hallmark’s website and search for “circus”.) This ornament plays “Jingle Bells,” apparently from a…
Two From Steven Levy
Two very nice articles by Steven Levy in the latest Newsweek. The first, I Was a Wi-Fi Freeloader, discusses the law and ethics of using open wireless networks. (I wrote…