CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
The California Supreme Court has ruled that Matt Pavlovich can’t be sued in California state court for posting DVD decryption software (though he can probably be sued elsewhere). Apparently, the…
The Slashdot Effect
I read Slashdot every day. It’s one of the best sources for tech news, and it contains many nuggets of useful information and informed commentary. If anything interesting happens in…
Slate: Just Say No to Politics
Slate, a smart online magazine that normally urges citizen involvement in politics, published today a commentary by Paul Boutin, urging citizens who happen to be geeks not to participate in…
Lots of buzz lately about the DarkNet paper written by four Microsoft Research people. The paper makes a three-part argument. First, there is really no way to stop file sharing,…
Crackdown at the Naval Academy
According to The Capital, which appears to be a local newspaper in Annapolis, officials at the Naval Academy have seized the computers of nearly 100 midshipmen (i.e., students at the…
Blog Comment Spam
I saw my first blog-comment spam today. David Weinberger’s posting on open spectrum had one comment: a standard-issue Nigerian scam message. How much longer before we see Trackback spam?
Lobbyists to Solve Copyright Problem
Declan McCullagh at reports that “Technology and entertainment lobbyists will sit down at the negotiating table [today] to seek a resolution to the long-running political spat over digital copyright.”…
RIAA's Anti-Infringement Site Infringes
I swear I’m not making this up. DSLReports observes that the RIAA’s new anti-infringement website, UnitedMusic, contained material copied without permission from a page at the University of Chicago. The…
My Worst Fears, Confirmed
Cory Doctorow points to a new tool, GetContentSize, that evaluates what portion of a Web site is content, as opposed to formatting and other junk. When applied to this site,…
Post-Napster File Sharing at Princeton
Today’s issue of the Daily Princetonian, our student newspaper, reports on file sharing issues on campus. (Note that the article has its facts wrong about the Napster case. Napster was…