CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Lisa Rein has posted (with permission) a video of my short presentation at the Berkeley DRM conference. I talked about the push to turn technologies into “black boxes” that the…
RIAA/Student Suits Back in the News
Jesse Jordan, one of the students sued by the RIAA, is back in the news. It’s not that anything new has happened; it’s just that Jordan and his father are…
"If It's Not Snake Oil, It's Pretty Awesome"
In today’s Los Angeles Times, Jon Healey writes about a new DRM proposal from a company called Music Public Broadcasting. The company’s claims, which are not substantiated in the story,…
Lessons from the SCO/IBM Dispute
Conventional wisdom about the SCO/IBM dustup is that it demonstrates a serious flaw in the open-source model – an asserted lack of “quality control” on open-source code that leaves end…
How To Annoy Your Mother-in-Law
Look up her age here. Then send her an email informing her that anyone on the Net can do the same. UPDATE (9:00 PM): How to run up your mother-in-law’s…
Privacy, Blogging, and Conflict of Interest
Blogging can create the most interesting conflicts of interest. Here is a particularly juicy example: William Safire’s column in today’s New York Times questions the motives of the new LifeLog…
Petition for Public Domain Enhancement Act
Larry Lessig writes: We have launched a petition to build support for the Public Domain Enhancement Act. That act would require American copyright holders to pay $1 fifty years after…
Software Infringement Rate Decreasing
The Business Software Alliance (BSA), a prominent industry group, has announced the results of its annual study of copyright compliance by business software users. According to BSA, 39% of business…
Palladium as P2P Enabler
A new paper by Stuart Schechter, Rachel Greenstadt, and Mike Smith, of Harvard, points out what should have been obvious all along: that “trusted computing” systems like Microsoft’s now-renamed Palladium,…
SearchKing Suit Dismissed
Stefanie Olsen at CNet reports that SearchKing’s lawsuit against Google has been dismissed. The judge ruled, as expected, that Google’s page rankings are opinions, and that Google has a…