CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Smart radios are a sleeper technology. They’re being developed right now; they’ll have a huge impact; but they’re not getting anywhere near the attention they deserve. Smart radios rely on…
Predictions for 2004
Happy New Year! This time of year, journalistic convention requires even micro-pundits like me to make predictions for the upcoming year. This goes for the rest of you bloggers too…
Spammers Concerned by CAN-SPAM?
Alan Ralsky, one of the biggest spammers, thinks the new CAN-SPAM act will hinder his spamming business, according to Saul Hansell’s story in today’s New York Times. Naturally, eventhing this…
RIAA Subpoena Decision, and Fallout
There’s been lots of talk about the DC Circuit court’s ruling that the RIAA cannot compel ISPs to identify customers who the RIAA suspects of infringing copyrights. The court ruled…
More E-Voting Follies
Lately it seems that we’ve seen one story after another about the carelessness of e-voting vendors, especially Diebold. Here are two. (1) Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation (who…
Do We Want a Do-Not-Email List?
The CAN-SPAM Act, signed into law yesterday by President Bush, will take effect on January 1. The Act asks the Federal Trade Commission to study whether a national do-not-spam list,…
Painters Buy White Canvases for a Reason
Wendy Seltzer (pointing to Ross Mayfield) quotes Verisign CEO Stratton Sclavos as saying, “We have to move the complexity back into the center of the network and remove it from…
Techno-Lockdown Not Likely
Steven Levy, in Newsweek, offers a dystopian vision for the future of the Internet: Picture, if you will, an information infrastructure that encourages censorship, surveillance and suppression of the creative…
Abusable Technologies Awareness Center
That’s the name of a new group blog on cyber-security, at, to which I’ll be contributing. There are nineteen contributors, including some of the most prominent researchers in the…
Devil in the Details
There’s been a lot of discussion lately about compulsory license schemes for music. I’ve said before that I’m skeptical about their practicality. One reason for my skepticism is a concern…