CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
In his testimony at the House DMCA-reform hearing today, Jack Valenti quoted me, in support of a point he wanted to make. The quote comes from last year’s Berkeley DRM…
House DMCA Reform Hearing Today
Today a congressional committee will hold a hearing on the Boucher-Doolittle bill (H.R. 107), known as the DMCRA, that would reform the DMCA. The hearing will be webcast, starting at…
DRM as Folding Chair
Frank Field offers an interesting analogy: DRM is a folding chair – specifically, it’s one of those folding chairs that people use after shoveling out the snow from a parking…
Japanese P2P Author Arrested
Japanese police have arrested the author of Winny, a peer-to-peer application popular in Japan, according to a story on ABC News’s Australian site. (Reportedly, a more detailed article is available…
Is the U.S. Losing its Technical Edge?
The U.S. is losing its dominance in science and technology, according to William J. Broad’s article in the New York Times earlier this week. The article looked at the percentage…
California Decertifies Touch-Screen Voting
Looks like I missed the significance of this story last week (by Kim Zetter at Wired News). California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley decertified all touch-screen voting machines, not just…
Dare To Be Naive
Ernest Miller at CopyFight has an interesting response to my discussion yesterday of the Broadcast Flag. I wrote that the Flag is bad regulation, being poorly targeted at the goal…
Where Does Your Government Stand on the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty?
The Union for the Public Domain is asking for help in surveying national governments about their (the governments’) positions on the WIPO Broadcast Treaty. The UPD is looking for volunteers…
Regulating Stopgap Security
I wrote previously about stopgap security, a scenario in which there is no feasible long-term defense against a security threat, but instead one resorts to a sequence of measures that…
Off-the-record Conferences
In writing about the Harvard Speedbump conference, I noted that its organizers declared it to be off the record, so that statements made or positions expressed at the conference would…