CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
When I wrote Monday about the new privacy-invading email tracking system, I had no idea that an even more invasive system has been on the market for two years…
Must-Read Copyright Articles
Recently I read two great articles on copyright: Tim Wu’s Copyright’s Communications Policy and Mark Lemley’s Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Justifications for Intellectual Property. Wu’s paper, which has already…
Broadcast Flag for Radio
JD Lasica has an important story about an FCC proposal, backed by the recording industry, to impose a broadcast-flag mandate on the design of digital radios. As JD suggests, this…
New Email Spying Tool
A company called has launched a new email-spying tool that is generating some controversy, and should generate more. The company claims that its product lets you invisibly track what…
Penn State: No Servers in Dorms
Yesterday I attended the Educause Policy Conference in Washington, where I spoke on a panel on “Sharing Information and Controlling Content: Continuing Challenges for Higher Education.” One of the most…
Still More About End-User Liability
At the risk of alienating readers, here is one more post about the advisability of imposing liability on end-users for harm to third parties that results from break-ins to the…
More on End-User Liability
My post yesterday on end-user liability for security breaches elicited some interesting responses. Several people debated the legal question of whether end-users are already liable under current law. I don’t…
Should End-Users Be Liable for Security Breaches?
Eric Rescorla reports that, in a talk at WEIS, Dan Geer predicted (or possibly advocated) that end-users will be held liable for security breaches in their machines that cause harm…
Florida Voting Machines Mis-recorded Votes
In Miami-Dade County, Florida, an internal county memo has come to light, documenting misrecording of votes by ES&S e-voting machines in a May 2003 election, according to a Matthew Haggman…
Microsoft: No Security Updates for Infringers
Microsoft, reversing a previous decision, says it will not provide security updates to unlicensed users of Windows XP. Microsoft is obviously entitled to do this if it wants, since it…