CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Dan Gillmor, among others, bemoans the lack of effective lobbying by technology companies. Exhibit A is their weak and disorganized response to various bills, such as the Hatch INDUCE/IICA Act,…
Minimum Age for Pro Basketball?
Yesterday was the NBA draft. In the first round, eight high school seniors were taken, and only five college seniors. (The rest were overseas players and college underclassmen.) The very…
RIAA Blowing Smoke About INDUCE Act
Today’s New York Times runs a brief story by Matt Richtel and Tom Zeller, Jr. on the growing criticism of Sen. Hatch’s INDUCE Act (now given a less bizarre name,…
The Future of Filesharing
Today there’s a Senate hearing on “The Future of P2P”. On Saturday, I gave a talk with a remarkably similar title, “The Future of Filesharing,” at the ResNet 2004 conference,…
Tech Giants Support DMCA Reform
Big tech companies, including Intel and Sun Microsystems, and ISPs, including Verizon and SBC, will announce today that they have banded together to form the “Personal Technology Freedom Coalition,” to…
Voting News
The League of Women Voters last week rescinded its support for paperless e-voting machines. The decision was driven by grassroots support among the League’s members, overriding a previous policy that…
Lame Copy Protection Doesn't Depress CD Sales Much
A CD “protected” by the SunnComm anti-copying technology is now topping the music charts. This technology, you may recall, was the subject of a paper by Alex Halderman. The technology…
Hatch to Introduce INDUCE Act
Fred von Lohmann at EFF Deep Links reports that Sen. Orrin Hatch is planning to introduce, possibly today, a bill to create a new form of indirect liability for copyright…
FTC: Do-Not-Email List Won't Help
Yesterday the Federal Trade Commission released its recommendation to Congress regarding the proposed national Do Not Email list. They recommended against the creation of such a list at the present…
Off the Grid?
I’ll be in a place with a possibly iffy Internet link until Monday evening. If you don’t hear from me in the next few days, I’m probably incommunicado; but please…