CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Ashlee Vance at the Register tells the amazing story of SunnComm, the DRM company whose CD “protection” product was famously defeated by holding down a PC’s Shift key. It’s one…
A Roadmap for Forgers
In the recent hooha about CBS and the forged National Guard memos, one important issue has somehow been overlooked – the impact of the memo discussion on future forgery. There…
Conservative Group Takes Conservative Position on Induce Act
The American Conservative Union, an influential right-wing group, has announced its opposition to the Induce Act, and is running ads criticizing those Republicans who support the Act. This should not…
The Least Objectionable Content Labeling System
Today I’ll wrap up Vice Week here at Freedom to Tinker with an entry on porn labeling. On Monday I agreed with the conventional wisdom that online porn regulation is…
Bots Play Backgammon Too
Responding to my entry yesterday about pokerbots, Jordan Lampe emails a report from the world of backgammon. Backgammon bots play at least as well as the best human players, and…
Online Poker and Unenforceable Rules
Computerized “bots” may be common in online poker games according to a Mike Brunker story at I have my doubts about the prevalence today of skillful, fully automated pokerbots,…
Voluntary Filtering Works for Us
It’s day two of porn week here at Freedom to Tinker, and time to talk about the tools parents have to limit what their kids see. As a parent, I…
Online Porn Issue Not Going Away
Adam Thierer at Technology Liberation Front offers a long and interesting discussion of the online porn wars, in the form of a review of two articles by Jeffrey Rosen and…
Bike Lock Fiasco
Kryptonite may stymie Superman, but apparently it’s not much of a barrier to bike thieves. Many press reports (e.g., Wired News, New York Times, Boston Globe) say that the supposedly…
DRM and the Market
In light of yesterday’s entry on DRM and competition, and the ensuing comment thread, it’s interesting to look at last week’s action by TiVo and ReplayTV to limit their customers’…