CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
I’ll be signing off my guest-blog stint at Freedom to Tinker now. (Thanks for your hospitality, Prof. Felten.) Before I go, I wanted to point you to a chapter excerpt…
Grokster fever
From Monday’s New York Times: The Court of Online Opinion Has Its Say on File Sharing. This is the third piece in the Times this weekend about the Supreme Court’s…
How to license graffiti
A member of this morning raised an interesting question that has both legal and ethical dimensions: How should photos of graffiti be licensed, if at all? Among the points…
Book Club Discussion: Code, Chapter 2
This week in Book Club, we read Chapter 2 of Lessig’s Code, and Other Laws of Cyberspace. Rather than kick off the discussion with an essay, I’ll just open the…
DRM and 'casual piracy'
Some background on a major transformation taking place in the music industry, even as most mainstream media organizations print not a word about it: Reuters article, May 31: Sony BMG…
Tinkering with personal media
Did everyone here catch the Editorial Observer item in Sunday’s New York Times?: A New Magazine’s Rebellious Credo: Void the Warranty! The article recounted the launch of Make Magazine, a…
A 'Darknet' backgrounder
OK, time to dive in here from my hotel room. A little while ago I posted a guest entry on the Berkman blog that offers a few details about how…
Guest Blogger: JD Lasica
I’m happy to welcome JD Lasica, author of the new book Darknet: Hollywood’s War Against the Digital Generation, and co-founder of OurMedia, who will be guest-blogging here this coming week.…
Reading Code in 2005
[This post is part of the Book Club reading Lawrence Lessig’s Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. Please use the comments area below to discuss the Preface and Chapter 1.…
Analysis of Fancy E-Voting Protocols
Karlof, Sastry, and Wagner have an interesting new paper looking at fancy voting protocols designed by Neff and Chaum, and finding that they’re not yet ready for use. The protocols…