CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Here is another excerpt from my new book, Software Security: Building Security In.. An Example: Java Card Security Testing Doing effective security testing requires experience and knowledge. Examples and case…
Software Security: The Badness-ometer
Here is another excerpt from my new book, Software Security: Building Security In. Application Security Tools: Good or Bad? Application security testing products are being sold as a solution to…
Software Security: The Trinity of Trouble
[Ed Felten says: Please welcome Gary McGraw as guest blogger for the next week. Gary is CTO at Cigital and co-author of two past books with me. He’s here to…
Sony CD DRM Paper Released
Today Alex and I released our paper about the Sony CD DRM episode. This is the full, extended version of the paper, with a bunch of new material that hasn’t…
Secure Flight Mothballed
Secure Flight, the planned next-generation system for screening airline passengers, has been mothballed by the Transportation Security Administration, according to an AP story by Leslie Miller. TSA chief Kip Hawley…
Quality of Service: A Quality Argument?
One of the standard arguments one hears against network neutrality rules is that network providers need to provide Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to certain kinds of traffic, such as…
Analog Hole Bill Requires "Open and Public" Discussion of Secret Technology
Today I want to return to the Sensenbrenner-Conyers analog hole bill, which would impose a secret law – a requirement that all devices that accept analog video inputs must implement…
AOL, Yahoo Challenge Email Neutrality
AOL and Yahoo will soon start using Goodmail, a system that lets bulk email senders bypass the companies’ spam filters by paying the companies one-fourth of a cent per message,…
Report: Many Apps Misconfigure Security Settings
My fellow Princeton computer scientists Sudhakar Govindavajhala and Andrew Appel released an eye-opening report this week on access control problems in several popular applications. In the old days, operating systems…
Paper Naming Contest
So our Sony CD DRM paper is virtually done, except for one thing: the title. We hope you can help us out. We’re looking for a phrase from a song…