CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
One of the challenges in understanding privacy is how to square what people say about privacy with what they actually do. People say they care deeply about privacy and resent…
InfoTech and Public Policy Course Blog
Postings here have been a bit sparse lately, which I hope to remedy soon. In the meantime, you can get a hearty dose of tech policy blog goodness over at…
pesky details with getting a voting system correct
Today was the last day of early voting in Texas’s primary election. Historically, I have never voted in a primary election. I’ve never felt I identified enough with a particular…
Cold Boot Attacks: Vulnerable While Sleeping
Our research on cold boot attacks on disk encryption has generated lots of interesting discussion. A few misconceptions seem to be floating around, though. I want to address one of…
New Research Result: Cold Boot Attacks on Disk Encryption
Today eight colleagues and I are releasing a significant new research result. We show that disk encryption, the standard approach to protecting sensitive data on laptops, can be defeated by…
Comcast's Disappointing Defense
Last week, Comcast offered a defense in the FCC proceeding challenging the technical limitations it had placed on BitTorrent traffic in its network. (Back in October, I wrote twice about…
The continuing saga of Sarasota's lost votes
At a hearing today before a subcommittee of Congress’s Committee on House Administration, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported on the results of their technical investigation into the exceptional…
Google Objects to Microhoo: Pot Calling Kettle Black?
Last week Microsoft offered to buy Yahoo at a big premium over Yahoo’s current stock price; and Google complained vehemently that Microsoft’s purchase of Yahoo would reduce competition. There’s been…
Unattended Voting Machines, As Usual
It’s election day, so tradition dictates that I publish some photos of myself with unattended voting machines. To recap: It’s well known that paperless electronic voting machines are vulnerable to…
Internet Voting
(or, how I learned to stop worrying and love having the whole world know exactly how I voted) Tomorrow is “Super Tuesday” in the United States. Roughly half of the…