CITP Blog is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life. Here you’ll find comment and analysis from the digital frontier, written by the Center’s faculty, students, and friends.
Continuing my series of posts on the tenth anniversary of the Microsoft antitrust case, I want to look today at the government’s theory of the case, and how it looks…
The Microsoft Case: A Window Into the Software Industry
This week I’m publishing reflections on the Microsoft antitrust case, which was filed ten years ago. Today I want to consider how the case change the public view of the…
The Microsoft Case, Ten Years Later
Sunday was the tenth anniversary of the government filing its antitrust case against Microsoft. The date passed almost unnoticed, though echoes of the case continue to reverberate. This week I…
Live Webcast: Future of News, May 14-15
We’re going to do a live webcast of our workshop on “The Future of News”, which will be held tomorrow and Thursday (May 14-15) in Princeton. Attending the workshop (free…
Counterfeits, Trojan Horses, and shady distributors
Last Friday, the New York Times published an article about counterfeit Cisco products that have been sold as if they were genuine and are widely used throughout the U.S. government. …
DRM Not Dead, Just Temporarily Indisposed, Says RIAA Tech Head
The RIAA’s head technology guy says that the move away from DRM (anti-copying) technology by record labels is just a phase, according to a Greg Sandoval story at “(Recently)…
Stupidest Infotech Policy Contest
James Fallows at the Atlantic recently ran a reader contest to nominate the worst public policy decision of the past fifty years. (<a href=""The winner? Ethanol subsidies.) I’d like to…
30th Anniversary of First Spam Email; No End in Sight
Today marks the 30th anniversary of (what is reputed to be) the first spam email. Here’s the body of the email: DIGITAL WILL BE GIVING A PRODUCT PRESENTATION OF THE…
spammers gone wild
I’m sure this sort of behavior is old news, but it’s still really annoying. Starting last night and continuing as I’m writing this, some annoying spammer has been forging my…
Bizarre Undervote on iVotronic in France
In France, most municipalities use paper ballots in elections, but a few places have begun using DRE (direct-recording electronic) machines. Pierre Muller, a French computer scientist, has recently sent me…