Author: Yan Shvartzshnaider
The CheapBit of Fitness Trackers Apps
Yan Shvartzshnaider (@ynotez) and Madelyn Sanfilippo (@MrsMRS_PhD) Fitness trackers are “[devices] that you can wear that records your daily physical activity, as well as other information about your health, such as your heart rate” [Oxford Dictionary]. The increasing popularity of wearable devices offered by Apple, Google, Nike inadvertently led cheaper versions to flood the market,…
Every move you make, I’ll be watching you: Privacy implications of the Apple U1 chip and ultra-wideband
By Colleen Josephson and Yan Shvartzshnaider The concerning trend of tracking of user’s location through their mobile phones has very serious privacy implications. For many of us, phones have become an integral part of our daily routine. We don’t leave our homes without and take them everywhere we go. It has become alarmingly easy for services…
PrivaCI Challenge: Context Matters
by Yan Shvartzshnaider and Marshini Chetty In this post, we describe the Privacy through Contextual Integrity (PrivaCI) challenge that took place as part of the symposium on applications of contextual integrity sponsored by Center for Information Technology Policy and Digital Life Initiative at Princeton University. We summarize the key takeaways from the unfolded discussion. We welcome…
Workshop on Technical Applications of Contextual Integrity
The theory of contextual integrity (CI) has inspired work across the legal, privacy, computer science and HCI research communities. Recognizing common interests and common challenges, the time seemed ripe for a meeting to discuss what we have learned from the projects using CI and how to move forward to leverage CI for enhancing privacy preserving…
LinkedIn reveals your personal email to your connections
[Huge thanks to Dillon Reisman, Arvind Narayanan, and Joanna Huey for providing great feedback on early drafts.] LinkedIn makes the primary email address associated with an account visible to all direct connections, as well as to people who have your email address in their contacts lists. By default, the primary email address is the one that was used…
Learning Privacy Expectations by Crowdsourcing Contextual Informational Norms
[This post reports on joint work with Schrasing Tong, Thomas Wies (NYU), Paula Kift (NYU), Helen Nissenbaum (NYU), Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (NYU), Prateek Mittal (Princeton) — Yan] To appear in the proceedings of the Fourth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2016) We would like to thank Joanna Huey for helpful comments and feedback. Motivation…