Author: Nathan Matias
Making Sense of Child Protection Predictive Models: Tech-Soc Reading Group Feb 20
How are predictive models transforming how we think about child protection, and how should we think about the role of such systems in a democracy? If you’re interested to ask these questions, join us at 2-3pm on Tuesday, Feb 20th at Sherrerd Hall room 306 for our opening Technology and Society Reading group meeting. The conversation…
How Data Science and Open Science are Transforming Research Ethics: Edward Freeland at CITP
How are data science and open science movement transforming how researchers manage research ethics? And how are these changes influencing public trust in social research? I’m here at the Center for IT Policy to hear a talk by Edward P. Freeland. Edward is the associate director of the Princeton University Survey Research Center and a…
Why Everyone in Tech Should Visit the American Museum of Tort Law
This Monday, Nikki Bourassa and I organized a van from Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society to visit the American Museum of Tort Law, which I have decided to call the American Museum of Exploding Cars and Toys that Kill You. While at the museum, I came to see another way that research can…
Automating Inequality: Virginia Eubanks Book Launch at Data & Society
What does it mean for public sector actors to implement algorithms to make public services to be more efficient? How are these systems experienced by the families and people who face the consequences? Speaking at the Data and Society Institute today is Virginia Eubanks, author of the new book Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile,…
Roundup: My First Semester as a Post-Doc at Princeton
As Princeton thaws from under last week’s snow hurricane, I’m taking a moment to reflect on my first four months in the place I now call home. This roundup post shares highlights from my first semester as a post-doc in Psychology, CITP, and Sociology. So far, I have had an amazing experience: The Paluck Lab…
AI Mental Health Care Risks, Benefits, and Oversight: Adam Miner at Princeton
How does AI apply to mental health, and why should we care? Today the Princeton Center for IT Policy hosted a talk by Adam Miner, ann AI psychologist, whose research addresses policy issues in the use, design, and regulation of conversational AI in health. Dr. Miner is an instructor in Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry and…