I’ve written several times recently about the technical details of network discrimination, because understanding these details is useful in the network neutrality debate. Today I want to talk about the role of encryption.
Scenarios for network discrimination typically involve an Internet Service Provider (ISP) who looks at users’ traffic and imposes delays or other performance penalties on certain types of traffic. To do this, the ISP must be able to tell the targeted data packets apart from ordinary packets. For example, if the ISP wants to penalize VoIP (Internet telephony) traffic, it must be able to distinguish VoIP packets from ordinary packets.
One way for users to fight back is to encrypt their packets, on the theory that encrypted packets will all look like gibberish to the ISP, so the ISP won’t be able to tell one type of packet from another.
To do this, the user would probably use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The idea is that whenever the user’s computer wanted to send a packet, it would encrypt that packet and then send the encrypted packet to a “gateway†computer that was outside the ISP’s network. The gateway computer would then decrypt the packet and send it on to its intended destination. Incoming packets would follow the same path in reverse – they would be sent to the gateway, where they would be encrypted and forwarded on to the user’s computer. The ISP would see nothing but a bi-directional stream of packets, all encrypted, flowing between the user’s computer and the gateway.
The most the user can hope for from a VPN is to force the ISP to handle all of the user’s packets in the same way. The ISP can still penalize all of the user’s packets, or it can single out randomly chosen packets for special treatment, but those are the only forms of discrimination available to it. The VPN has some cost – packets must be encrypted, decrypted, and forwarded – but the user might consider it worthwhile if it stops network discrimination.
(In practice, things are a bit more complicated. The ISP might be able to infer which packets are which by observing the size and timing of packets. For example, a sequence of packets, all of a certain size and flowing with metronome-like regularity in both directions, is probably a voice conversation. The user might use countermeasures, such as altering the size and timing of packets, but that can be costly too. To simplify our discussion, let’s pretend that the VPN gives the ISP no way to distinguish packets from each other.)
The VPN user and the ISP are playing an interesting game of chicken. The ISP wants to discriminate against some of the user’s packets, but doesn’t want to inconvenience the user so badly that the user discontinues the service (or demands a much lower price). The user responds by making his packets indistinguishable and daring the ISP to discriminate against all of them. The ISP can back down, by easing off on discrimination in order to keep the user happy – or the ISP can call the user’s bluff and hamper all or most of the user’s traffic.
But the ISP may have a different and more effective strategy. If the ISP wants to hamper a particular application, and there is a way to manipulate the user’s traffic that affects that application much more than it does other applications, then the ISP has a way to punish the targeted application. Recall my previous discussion of how VoIP is especially sensitive to jitter (unpredictable changes in delay), but most other applications can tolerate jitter without much trouble. If the ISP imposes jitter on all of the user’s packets, the result will be a big problem for VoIP apps, but not much impact on other apps.
So it turns out that even using a VPN, and encrypting everything in sight, isn’t necessarily enough to shield a user from network discrimination. Discrimination can work in subtle ways.
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