I wrote Monday about pharming attacks, in which a villain corrupts the DNS system, which translates textual names (like “www.freedom-to-tinker.com”) into the IP addresses (like “”) that are used to route traffic on the Internet. By doing this, the villain can impersonate an Internet site convincingly. Today I want to talk about how to address this problem.
The best approach would be to secure the DNS system. We know how to do this. Solutions involve having authoritative DNS servers put some kind of digital signature on the information they give out, so that a computer receiving DNS translation information can verify that the information is endorsed by an authoritative server. Such a system, if universally deployed, would put the pharmers out of business. Unfortunately, secure DNS is not widely deployed.
A partial solution, for web access at least, is to access websites via secure (HTTPS) connections. The user, on seeing a valid site, would notice the lock icon on his browser, and would know that his machine was connected to the legitimate owner of the URL that his browser was displaying. A pharmer could make accesses to “www.citibank.com” go to his evil site, but he couldn’t fool the secure-connection mechanism, so he could not make the lock icon on the user’s browser light up.
This approach works fine, as long as users notice the lock icon and refuse to deal with sites that don’t use secure connections. Will users be so vigilant? Probably not. In practice, many sites fail to use secure connections, and browsers give subtle indications of whether a connection is secure but don’t scream about insecure connections. (How could they, when insecure connections are so common?)
One drawback of relying on secure web connections is that it doesn’t protect other communication services, such as email and instant messaging. Pharmers might try to attract a user’s email or IM connections to hostile servers. We know how to secure email, by assigning encryption keys to individuals and having them encrypt and digitally sign their email. Standard email programs even know how to handle encryption and signing. But, again, few people use these facilities.
You may have noticed a common pattern here: each of these mechanisms would be effective if widely adopted, but aren’t used much in practice. In each case, we have a collective action problem. If nearly everybody adopted one of these technologies, then the holdouts would have an incentive to adopt it too; but until a critical mass of adoption is reached, there is little incentive for others to join.
Consider secure web connections. If nearly every website used secure connections, then insecure connections would be rare enough that browsers could issue prominent warnings whenever they saw an insecure connection. This would give legitimate websites a strong incentive to use secure connections, in order to avoid scaring users away. Today, insecure connections are so common that they don’t attract any suspicion. (An online banking site that used insecure connections would be odd, and might arouse suspicion from alert users; but we’re far from the point when browsers expect secure connections from everybody.)
A similar problem holds for secure email. I could digitally sign my outgoing email, but this wouldn’t do much to prevent forged messages in practice. A forged message would of course be unsigned, but unless unsigned messages were rare, nobody would be taken aback on seeing one. But if almost all messages were digitally signed, than an unsigned message would be rare enough to arouse suspicion, and might trigger a prominent warning from the user’s email program.
In all of these cases, there is a tipping point, where the authentication technology is used so widely that failing to use it attracts suspicion. Once the tipping point is reached, the remaining holdouts will switch to using the technology. Assuming we agree that it would be good to adopt one of these technologies, how can we get to the tipping point?
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