Here’s an interesting security design problem. Suppose you’re in charge of airport security. At security checkpoints, everybody gets a primary search. Some people get a more intensive secondary search as a result of the primary search, if they set off the metal detector or behave suspiciously during the primary search. In addition, you can choose some extra people who get a secondary search even if they look clean on the primary search. We’ll say these people have been “selected.”
Suppose further that you’re given a list of people who pose a heightened risk to aviation. Some people may pose such a serious threat that we won’t let them fly at all. I’m not talking about them, just about people who pose a risk that is higher than average, but still low overall. When I say these people are “high-risk” I don’t mean that the risk is high in absolute terms.
Who should be selected for secondary search? The obvious answer is to select all of the high-risk people, and some small fraction of the ordinary people. This ensures that a high-risk person can’t fly without a secondary search. And to the extent that our secondary-searching people and resources would otherwise be idle, we might as well search some ordinary people. (Searching ordinary people at random is also a useful safeguard against abusive behavior by the searchers, by ensuring that influential people are occasionally searched.)
But that might not be the best strategy. Consider the problem faced by a terrorist leader who wants to get a group of henchmen and some contraband onto a plane in order to launch an attack. If he can tell which of his henchmen are on the high-risk list, then he’ll give the contraband to a henchman who isn’t on the list. If we always select people on the list, then he can easily detect which henchmen are on the list by having the henchmen fly (without contraband) and seeing who gets selected for a secondary search. Any henchman who doesn’t get selected is not on the high-risk list; and so that is the one who will carry the contraband through security next time, for the attack.
The problem here is that our adversary can probe the system, and use the results of those probes to predict our future behavior. We can mitigate this problem by being less predictable. If we decide that people on the high-risk list should be selected usually, but not always, then we can introduce some uncertainty into the adversary’s calculation, by forcing him to worry that a henchman who wasn’t selected the first time might still be on the high-risk list.
The more we reduce the probability of searching high-risk people, the more we increase the adversary’s uncertainty, which helps us. But we don’t want to reduce that probability too far – after all, if we trick the terrorist into giving the contraband to a high-risk henchman, we still want a high probability of selecting that henchman the second time. Depending on our assumptions, we can calculate the optimal probability of secondary search for high-risk people. That probability will often be less than 100%.
But now consider the politics of the situation. Imagine what would happen if (God forbid) a successful attack occurred, and if we learned afterward that one of the attackers had carried contraband through security, and that the authorities knew he posed a hightened risk but chose not to search him due to a deliberate strategy of not always searching known high-risk people. The recriminations would be awful. Even absent an attack, a strategy of not always searching is an easy target for investigative reporters or political opponents. Even if it’s the best strategy, it’s likely to be infeasible politically.
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