Yesterday the Federal Trade Commission released its recommendation to Congress regarding the proposed national Do Not Email list. They recommended against the creation of such a list at the present time, because the list would provide little or no reduction in spam, but would increase costs for legitimate emailers and might raise security risks.
Congress, in the CAN-SPAM Act, asked the FTC to study the feasibility of instituting a national Do Not Email list, akin to the popular Do Not Call list. Yesterday’s FTC recommendation is the result of the FTC’s study.
The FTC relied on interviews with many people, and it retained three security experts – Matt Bishop, Avi Rubin, and me – to provide separate reports on the technical issues regarding the Do Not Email list. My report supported the action that the FTC ultimately took, and I assume that the other two reports did too.
I understand that the three expert reports will be released by the FTC, but I haven’t found them on the FTC website yet. I’ll post a link to my report when I find one.
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