Apple just posted a remarkable “customer letter” on its web site. To understand it, let’s take a few steps back.
In a nutshell, one of the San Bernadino shooters had an iPhone. The FBI wants to root through it as part of their investigation, but they can’t do this effectively because of Apple’s security features. How, exactly, does this work?
- Modern iPhones (and also modern Android devices) encrypt their internal storage. If you were to just cut the Flash chips out of the phone and read them directly, you’d learn nothing.
- But iPhones need to decrypt that internal storage in order to actually run software. The necessary cryptographic key material is protected by the user’s password or PIN.
- The FBI wants to be able to exhaustively try all the possible PINs (a “brute force search”), but the iPhone was deliberately engineered with a “rate limit” to make this sort of attack difficult.
- The only other option, the FBI claims, is to replace the standard copy of iOS with something custom-engineered to defeat these rate limits, but an iPhone will only accept an update to iOS if it’s digitally signed by Apple. Consequently, the FBI convinced a judge to compel Apple to create a custom version of iOS, just for them, solely for this investigation.
- I’m going to ignore the legal arguments on both sides, and focus on the technical and policy aspects. It’s certainly technically possible for Apple to do this. They could even engineer their customized iOS build to measure the serial number of the iPhone on which it’s installed, such that the backdoor would only work on the San Bernadino suspect’s phone, without being a general-purpose skeleton key for all iPhones.
With all that as background, it’s worth considering a variety of questions.
Does the FBI’s investigation actually need access to the internals of the iPhone in question?
Apple’s letter states:
When the FBI has requested data that’s in our possession, we have provided it. Apple complies with valid subpoenas and search warrants, as we have in the San Bernardino case. We have also made Apple engineers available to advise the FBI, and we’ve offered our best ideas on a number of investigative options at their disposal.
In Apple’s FAQ on iCloud encryption, they describe how most iCloud features are encrypted both in transit and at rest, with the notable exception of email. So, if the San Bernadino suspect’s phone used Apple’s mail services, then the FBI can read that email. It’s possible that Apple genuinely cannot provide unencrypted access to other data in iCloud without the user’s passwords, but it’s also possible that the FBI could extract the necessary passwords (or related authentication tokens) from other places, like the suspect’s laptop computer.
Let’s assume, for the sake of discussion, that the FBI has not been able to get access to anything else on the suspect’s iPhone or its corresponding iCloud account, and they’ve exhausted all of their technical avenues of investigation. If the suspect used Gmail or some other service, let’s assume the FBI was able to get access to that as well. So what might they be missing? SMS / iMessage. Notes. Photos. Even knowing what other apps the user has installed could be valuable, since many of them have corresponding back-end cloud services, chock full of tasty evidence. Of course, the suspects emails and other collected data might already make for a compelling case against them. We don’t know.
Could the FBI still find a way into their suspect’s iPhone?
Almost certainly yes. Just yesterday, the big news was a security critical bug in glibc that’s been around since 2008. And for every bug like this that the public knows about, our friends in the government have many more that they keep to themselves. If the San Bernadino suspect’s phone is sufficiently valuable, then it’s time to reach into the treasure chest (both figuratively and literally) and engineer a custom exploit. There’s plenty of attack surface available to them. That attack surface stretches to the suspect’s personal computers and other devices.
The problem with this sort of attack plan is that it’s expensive, it’s tricky, and it’s not guaranteed to work. Since long before the San Bernadino incident, the FBI has wanted a simpler solution. Get a legal order. Get access. Get evidence. The San Bernadino case clearly spells this out.
What’s so bad about Apple doing what the FBI wants?
Apple’s concern is the precedent set by the FBI’s demand and the judge’s order. If the FBI can compel Apple to create a backdoor like this, then so can anybody else. You’ve now opened the floodgates to every small-town police chief, never mind discovery orders in civil lawsuits. How is Apple supposed to validate and prioritize these requests? What happens when they come from foreign governments? If China demands a custom software build to attack a U.S. resident, how is Apple supposed to judge whether that user and their phone happen to be under the jurisdiction of Chinese law? What if the U.S. then passes a law prohibiting Apple from honoring Chinese requests like this? That way lies madness, and that’s where we’re going.
Even if we could somehow make this work, purely as an engineering matter, it’s not feasible to imagine a backdoor mechanism that will support the full gamut of seemingly legal requests to exercise it.
Is backdoor engineering really feasible? What are the tradeoffs?
If there’s anything that the computer security community has learned over the years, it’s that complexity is the enemy of security. One highly relevant example is SSL/TLS support for “export-grade cryptography” — a bad design left over from the 1990’s when the U.S. government tried to regulate the strength of cryptographic products. Last year’s FREAK attack boils down to an exploit that forces SSL/TLS connections to operate with degraded key quality. The solution? Remove all export-grade cipher suites from SSL/TLS implementations, since they’re not used and not needed any more.
The only way that we know how to build secure software is to make it simple, to use state of the art techniques, and to get rid of older feature that we know are weak. Backdoor engineering is the antithesis of this process.
What are appropriate behaviors for an engineering organization like Apple? I’ll quote Google’s Eric Grosse:
Eric Grosse, Google’s security chief, suggested in an interview that the N.S.A.’s own behavior invited the new arms race.
“I am willing to help on the purely defensive side of things,” he said, referring to Washington’s efforts to enlist Silicon Valley in cybersecurity efforts. “But signals intercept is totally off the table,” he said, referring to national intelligence gathering.
“No hard feelings, but my job is to make their job hard,” he added.
As a national policy matter, we need to decide what’s more important: backdoor access to user data, or robustness against nation-state adversaries. If you want backdoor access, then the cascade of engineering decisions that will be necessary to support those backdoors will fundamentally weaken our national security posture. On the flip side, strong defenses are strong against all adversaries, including the domestic legal system.
Indeed, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies will need to come to terms with the limits of their cyber-investigatory powers. Yes the data you want is out there. No, you can’t get what you want, because cyber-defense must be a higher priority.
What are the alternatives? Can the FBI make do without what it’s asking?
How might the FBI cope in a world where Apple, Google, and other engineering organizations build walls that law enforcement cannot breach? I suspect they’ll do just fine. We know the FBI has remarkably good cyber-investigators. For example, the FBI hacked “approximately 1300” computers as part of a child pornography investigation. Likewise, even if phone data is encrypted, the metadata generated just walking around with a phone is amazing. For example, researchers discovered that
data from just four, randomly chosen “spatio-temporal points” (for example, mobile device pings to carrier antennas) was enough to uniquely identify 95% of the individuals, based on their pattern of movement.
In other words, even if you use “burner” phones, investigators can connect them together based on your patterns of movement. With techniques like this, the FBI has access to a mountain of data on their San Bernadino suspects, far more than they ever might have collected in the era before smartphones.
In short, the FBI’s worries that targets of its investigations are “going dark” are simply not credible, and their attempts to coopt technology companies into give them back doors are working against our national interests.
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