Let’s continue our discussion (1; 2) of Rivest’s ThreeBallot voting system. I’ve criticized ThreeBallot’s apparent inability to handle write-in votes. More detailed critiques have come from Charlie Strauss (1; 2) and Andrew Appel. Their analysis (especially Charlie’s) is too extensive to repeat here, so I’ll focus on just one of Charlie’s ideas.
Recall that ThreeBallot requires each voter to mark three ballots. Each candidate must be marked on at least one ballot (call this the mandatory mark); and the voter can vote for a candidate by marking that candidate on a second ballot. I call these rules (each candidate gets either one or two marks, and at most one candidate per race gets two marks) the Constraints. Because of the Constraints, we can recover the number of votes cast for a candidate by taking the total number of marks made for that candidate, and subtracting off the number of mandatory marks (which equals the number of voters).
ThreeBallot uses optical scan technology: the voter marks paper ballots that can be read by a machine. A voter’s three ballots are initially attached together. After filling out the ballots, the voter runs them through a checker machine that verifies the Constraints. If the ballots meet the Constraints, the checker puts a red stripe onto the ballots to denote that they have been checked, separates the three ballots, and gives the voter a copy of one ballot (the voter chooses which) to take home. The voter then deposits the three red-striped ballots into a ballot box, where they will eventually be counted by a tabulator machine.
Charlie Strauss points out there is a window of vulnerability from the time the ballots are checked until they’re put in the ballot box. During this time, the voter might add marks for his desired candidate, or erase marks for undesired candidates, or just put one of the ballots in his pocket and leave. These tactics are tantamount to stuffing the ballot box.
This kind of problem, where a system checks whether some condition is true, and then later relies on that assumption still being true even though things may have changed in the meantime, is a common cause of security problems. Security folks, with our usual tin ear for terminology, call these “time of check to time of use” or TOCTTOU bugs. (Some people even try to pronounce the acronym.) Here, the problem is the (unwarranted) assumption that if the Constraints hold when the ballots are put into the checker, they will still hold when the ballots are later tabulated.
One way to address this problem is to arrange for the same machine that checks the ballots to also tabulate them, so there is no window of vulnerability. But ThreeBallot’s security depends on the checker being dumb and stateless, so that it can’t remember the ballot-sets of individual voters. The tabulator is more complicated and remembers things, but it only sees the ballots after they are separated and mixed together with other voters’ ballots. Rivest makes clear that the checker and the tabulator must be separate mechanisms.
We might try to fix the problem by having the checker spit out the checked ballots into a sealed, glass-sided chute with a ballot box at the bottom, so the voter never gets to touch the ballots after they are checked. This might seem to eliminate the window of vulnerability.
But there’s still a problem, because the ballots are scanned by two separate scanner devices, one in the checker and one in the tabulator. Inevitably the two scanners will be calibrated differently, so there are some borderline cases that look like a mark to one scanner but not to the other. This means that ballot-triples that meet the Constraints according to one scanner won’t necessarily meet them according to the other scanner. A clever voter can exploit these differences, regardless of which scanner is more permissive, to inflate the influence of his ballots. He can make his mandatory marks for disfavored candidates faint, so that the checker just barely detects them, in the hope that the tabulator will miss them. And he can add a third mark for his favored candidate, just barely too faint for the checker to see, in the hope that the tabulator will count it. If either of these hopes is fulfilled, the final vote count will be wrong.
This is just a small sample of Charlie Strauss’s critique of ThreeBallot. If you want to read more, check out Charlie’s reports (1; 2), or Andrew Appel’s.
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