Today I want to continue the post-series about new technology and wiretapping (previous posts: 1, 2, 3), by talking about what is probably the simplest case, involving gathering and storage of data by government. Recall that I am not considering what is legal under current law, which is an important issue but is beyond my expertise. Instead, I am considering the public policy question of what rules, if any, should constrain the government’s actions.
Suppose the government gathered information about all phone calls, including the calling and called numbers and the duration of the call, and then stored that information in a giant database, in the hope that it might prove useful later in criminal investigations or foreign intelligence. Unlike the recently disclosed NSA call database, which is apparently data-mined, we’ll assume that the data isn’t used immediately but is only stored until it might be needed. Under what circumstances should this be allowed?
We can start by observing that government should not have free rein to store any data it likes, because storing data, even if it is not supposed to be accessed, still imposes some privacy harm on citizens. For example the possibility of misuse must be taken serious where so much data is at issue. Previously, I listed four types of costs imposed by wiretapping. At least two of those costs – the risk that the information will be abused, and the psychic cost of being watched (such as wondering about “How will this look?â€) – apply to stored data, even if nobody is supposed to look at it.
It follows that, before storing such data, government should have to make some kind of showing that the expected value of storing the data outweighs the harms, and that there should be some kind of plan for minimizing the harms, for example by storing the data securely (even against rogue insiders) and discarding the data after some predefined time interval.
The most important safeguard would be an enforceable promise by government not to use the data without getting further permission (and showing sufficient cause). That promise might possibly be broken, but it changes the equation nevertheless by reducing the likelihood and scope of potential misuse.
To whom should the showing of cause be made? Presumably the answer is “a court”. The executive branch agency that wanted to store data would have to convince a court that the expected value of storing the data was sufficient, in light of the expected costs (including all costs/harms to citizens) of storing it. The expected costs would be higher if data about everyone were to be stored, and I would expect a court to require a fairly strong showing of significant benefit before authorizing the retention of so much data.
Part of the required showing, I think, would have to be an argument that there is not some way to store much less data and still get nearly the same benefit. An alternative to storing data on everybody is to store data only about people who are suspected of being bad guys and therefore are more likely to be targets of future investigations.
I won’t try to calibrate the precise weights to place on the tradeoff between the legitimate benefits of data retention and the costs. That’s a matter for debate, and presumably a legal framework would have to be more precise than I am. For now, I’m happy to establish the basic parameters and move on.
All of this gets more complicated when government wants to have computers analyze the stored data, as the NSA is apparently doing with phone call records. How to think about such analyses is the topic of the next post in the series.
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