We’re excited to announce the CITP technology policy clinic, a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary project to engage students and scholars directly in the policy process. The clinic will be supported by a generous alumni gift.
The technology policy clinic will adapt the law school clinic model to involve scholars at all levels in real-world policy activities related to technology—preparing written comments and briefs, working with startup companies, and collaborating with public-interest law groups. As an outgrowth of this work, CITP could provide federal, state and local policy makers with briefings on emerging technologies and could also create simple non-partisan guides to action for citizens and small businesses.
We’re looking to hire a Clinic Lead, an experienced policy professional to lead the clinic. For more information, go to https://citp.princeton.edu/clinic-lead/
CITP was founded as Princeton’s initiative to support research and education on technology policy issues. Over the years, CITP’s voice grew stronger as it uniquely leveraged its strength of world class computer scientists and engineers, to work alongside leading policy experts at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy. The center has now established a recognized national voice in areas including AI policy, privacy and security, technology for governance and civil liberties, broadband policy, big data, cryptocurrencies, and the internet of things. As the national debate over technology and its impact on democracy has come to the forefront in recent times, the demand for technology policy experts has surged. CITP recognizes a need to take on a larger role in tackling some of these technology policy problems by providing on-the-ground training to Princeton’s extraordinary students. We’re eager to hire a Clinic Lead and get started!
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