Year: 2012

  • CITP Call for Fellows, Postdocs, and Visiting Professors for Fall 2013

    The Center for Information Technology Policy ( is an interdisciplinary research center at Princeton that sits at the crossroads of engineering, the social sciences, law, and policy. CITP seeks Fellowship and Postdoc applicants for the 2012-2013 school year from academia, industry, government, and civil society. These are one year appointments — usually from July 1st…

  • Smart Campaigns, Meet Smart Voters

    Zeynep pointed to her New York Times op-ed, “Beware the Smart Campaign,” about political campaigns collecting and exploiting detailed information about individual voters. Given the emerging conventional wisdom that the Obama campaign’s technological superiority played an important role in the President’s re-election, we should expect more aggressive attempts to micro-target voters by both parties in…

  • My NYT Op-Ed: "Beware the Smart Campaign"

    I just published a new opinion piece in the New York Times, entitled “Beware the Smart Campaign”. I react to the Obama campaign’s successful use of highly quantitative voter targeting that is inspired by “big data” commercial marketing techniques and implemented through state-of-the-art social science knowledge and randomized field experiments.  In the op-ed, I wonder…

  • The Silver Effect: What We Can Learn from Poll Aggregators

    For those who now think Nate Silver is god, here’s a question: Can Nate Silver make a prediction so accurate that Nate Silver himself doesn’t believe it? Yes, he can–and he did. Silver famously predicted the results of Election 2012 correctly in every state. Yet while his per-state predictions added up to the 332 electoral…

  • Voting technology issues in Virginia on election day

    I spent Election Day in one of the command centers for the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline. The command center was accepting calls from New Jersey, Maryland, DC, and Virginia, but 95% of the technology issues were from Virginia. I was the designated “technology guy”, so pretty much everything that came through that center came to me. This…

  • Joisy on my mind

    Like everyone interested in the mechanics of elections, I’ve been fascinated by the New Jersey efforts to allow voters to request and submit ballots via email. In this posting, I’d like to address four brief points that I don’t think have received much attention – the first two policy, and the last two technical. First,…

  • Tim Lee Reporting on NJ Email-Assisted Voting

    Earlier this week, Professor Andrew Appel posted that “NJ Lt. Governor invites voters to submit invalid ballots“. Andrew has been offering updates at the bottom of his post since then. Professor Ed Felten also summarized the state of “New Jersey Voting in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy,” concluding that, “I would strongly oppose any long-term…

  • Get Out the Vote, Cee-Lo Style?

    This semester, Ed Felten and I are teaching a Freshman Seminar called “Facebook: The Social Impact of Social Networks.” This week, the class is discussing a recent article published in the journal Nature, entitled “A 61-Million-Person Experiment in Social Influence and Political Mobilization“. The study reveals that if Facebook shows you a list of your…

  • Romance & "Reality" in the 2012 Presidential Campaign

    Romance and “reality” are in conflict as the 2012 Presidential campaign approaches its election day apex. While the 2012 Presidential campaign lacks the historical resonance of the 2008 campaign, the 2012 campaign is notable, in part, for the attention many are giving to the quantitative analysis of polling data, most famously prepared by Nate Silver.…

  • Grading the absentee-in-person experience in Virginia

    [Each year, I write a “my day as a pollworker” report. This year, I’m not a pollworker, or election officer in Virginia parlance, for a variety of reasons, so I decided to write about my voting experience.] I just got back from “in-person absentee voting”. This is similar to but not the same as early…