The recent conviction of Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer for identity theft and conspiracy has renewed interest in the question of what researchers should do when they find security vulnerabilities in popular products. See, for example, Matt Blaze’s op-ed on how the research community views these matters, and Weev’s own response.
Weev and associates discovered a flaw in AT&T’s handling of consumer information, which allowed anyone to download personal information about users of AT&T’s iPad wireless data service. Weev wrote code that systematically downloaded information on more than 100,000 of those users. Was that enough to get him convicted? Reading between the lines in press accounts, it’s clear that that behavior, plus Weev’s long history of unsavory (though lawful) online speech and his personal eccentricities, were enough to get him convicted.
This will only make researchers more cautious about public discussion of vulnerabilities–which is a shame, because the research community is one of the main sources of public pressure on companies to follow better security practices. Though some companies seem to ignore or downplay security problems in their products–see Jeremy’s recent post for one example–the flow of information about the presence of vulnerabilities plays an important role in helping the market reward good security and punish laxity.
Responsible companies have learned how to work constructively with researchers, with an eye to improving their products, protecting their customers, and learning from their engineering mistakes. There is a long history of responsible researchers and companies cooperating in the public interest. As a researcher I have always felt that when a company is willing to engage constructively, the ethical course is to cooperate with them for the benefit of the public.
That approach becomes harder to sustain when the perceived risk of legal action, whether due to an overzealous lawyer or a research error, gets larger.
At the same time, an alternative outlet for vulnerability information is emerging–selling the information. In principle it could be sold to the maker of the flawed product, but they probably won’t be the high bidder. More likely, the information will be sold to a government, to a company, or to a broker who will presumably re-sell it. (If you’re not familiar with this market, Chris Soghoian’s CITP lecture is a good introduction.)
Some of the uses of purchased vulnerability information will be benign. It might be used to carry out a search of a criminal suspect’s computer, under the authority of a proper search warrant. It might be used to carry out an action like the Stuxnet worm, which exploited several security vulnerabilities to handicap the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Or it might be sold through a broker to a repressive government or an organized crime group. If the supply of vulnerabilities is large enough–and all indications are that it is–then all of these buyers will be able to buy enough information for their purposes.
Crucially, vulnerability information has a higher market value if it is withheld from the maker of the vulnerable product. If the maker finds out, they might close the hole and render the information worthless. So the market in vulnerabilities rewards researchers for making sure that the problems they discover are not fixed–exactly the opposite of the traditional view in the field.
Policymakers should be taking a serious look at this market and thinking about its implications. Do we want to foster an atmosphere where researchers turn away from disclosure, and vulnerability information is withheld from those who can fix problems? Do we want to increase incentives for finding vulnerabilities that won’t be fixed? Do we think we can keep this market from connecting bad guys with the information they want to exploit?
Or do we want to look for ways to protect an alternative approach, where vulnerability information flows to those who are affected by problems and those who can fix them?
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