I’ve found Tim’s bits on life post-driving interesting. I’ve sometimes got a one-track mind, though- so what I really want to know is if I’ll be able to hack on that self-driving car. I mentioned this to Tim, and he said he wasn’t sure either- so here is my crack at it.
We’re not very good at making choices like this. Historically, liability constrained software development at large institutions (the airlines had a lot of reasons not to let people to hack on their airplanes) and benign neglect was sufficient to regulate hacking of personal software- if you hacked your PC or toaster, no one cared because it had no impact (a form of Lessig’s regulation by architecture). The net result was that we didn’t need to regulate software very much, we got lots of innovation from individual developers, and we stayed bad at making choices like ‘how should we regulate people’s ability to hack?’
Individuals are now beginning to own hackable devices that can also harm the neighbors, though, so the space in between large institution and isolated hacker is filling up. For example, the FCC regulates your ability to modify your own wireless devices, so that you can’t interfere with other people’s spectrum. And some of Prof. Jonathan Zittrain’s analysis suggests that we might want to even regulate PCs, since they can now frequently be vectors for spam and viruses. Tim and I are normally fairly anti-regulation, and pro-open source, but even we are aware that cars running around all over the place driven by by potentially untested code might also fit in this gap- and be more worthy of regulation.
So what should happen? Should we be able to hack our cars (more than we already do), and if so, under what conditions?
It’d help if we could better measure the risks and benefits involved. Unfortunately, probably because we regulate software so rarely, our metrics for assessing the risks and benefits of software development aren’t very good. One such metric is Prof. Zittrain’s ‘generativity’; Dan Wallach’s proposal to measure the ‘O(n)’ of potential system damage is another. Neither are perfect fits here, but that only confirms that we need more such tools in our software policy toolkit.
This lack of tools shouldn’t stop us from some basic, common-sense analysis, though. On the pro side, the standard arguments for open source apply, though perhaps not as strongly as usual, since many casual hackers might be discouraged at the thought of hacking their own car. We probably would want car manufacturers to pool their safety expertise, which would be facilitated by openness. Finally, we might also want open code for auditing reasons- with millions of lives on the line, this seems like a textbook case for wanting ‘many eyes‘ to take a look at the code.
If we accept these arguments on the ‘pro’ hacking side, what then? First, we could require that the car manufacturers use test-driven development, and share those tests with the public- perhaps even allowing the public to add new tests. This would help avoid serious safety problems in the ‘original’ code, and home hackers might be blocked from loading new code into their cars unless the code was certified to have passed the tests. Second, we could treat the consequences very seriously- ‘driving’ with bad code could be treated similarly to DUI. Third, we could make sure that the safety fallbacks (emergency brake systems, etc.) are in separate, redundant (and perhaps only mechanical?) unhackable systems. Having such systems is going to be good engineering whether the code is open or not, and making them unhackable might be a good compromise. (Serious engineers, instead of compsci BAs now in law school, should feel free to suggest other techniques in the comments.)
Bottom line? First, we don’t really know- we just have pretty poor analytical tools for this type of problem. But if we take a stab at it, we can see that there are some potential solutions that might be able to harness the innovation and generativity of open source in our cars without significantly compromising our safety. At least, not compromising it any moreso than the already crazy core idea 🙂
[picture is ‘Car Show 2‘, by starmist1, used under the CC-BY license.]
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