Yesterday I wrote about a terribly weak security protocol in the Diebold AccuVote-TS system (at least as it existed in 2002), as reported in a talk by Dan Wallach. That wasn’t the only broken Diebold protocol Dan discussed. Here’s another one which may be even scarier.
The Diebold system allows a polling place administrator to use a smartcard to control a voting machine, performing operations such as closing the polls for the day. The administrator gets a special administrator smartcard (a credit-card-sized computing device) and puts it into the voting machine. The machine uses a special protocol to validate the card, and then accepts commands from the administrator.
This is a decent plan, but Diebold botched the design of the protocol. Here’s the protocol they use:
terminal to card: “What kind of card are you?”
card to terminal: “Administrator”
terminal to card: “What’s the password?”
card to terminal: [Value1]
terminal to user: “What’s the password?”
user to terminal: [Value2]If Value1=Value2, then the terminal allows the user to execute administrative commands.
Like yesterday’s protocol, this one fails because malicious users can make their own smartcard. (Smartcard kits cost less than $50.) Suppose Zeke is a malicious voter. He makes a smartcard that answers “Administrator” to the first question and (say) “1234” to the second question. He shows up to vote, signs in, goes into the voting booth, and inserts his malicious smartcard. The malicious smartcard tells the machine that the secret password is 1234; when the machine asks Zeke himself for the secret password, he enters 1234. The machine will then execute any administrative command Zeke wants to give it.
For example, he can tell the machine that the election is over.
This system was apparently used in the Georgia 2002 election. Has Diebold fixed this problem, or the one I described yesterday? We don’t know.
UPDATE (1:30 PM): Just to be clear, telling a machine that the election is over is harmful because it puts the machine in a mode where it won’t accept any votes. Getting the machine back into vote-accepting mode, without zeroing the vote counts, will likely require a visit from a technician, which could keep the voting machine offline for a significant period. (If there are other machines at the same precinct, they could be targeted too.) This attack could affect an election result if it is targeted at a precinct or a time of day in which votes are expected to favor a particular candidate.
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