Tonight is the “rump session” at the Crypto conference, where researchers can give informal short presentations on up-to-the-minute results.
Biham and Chen have a presentation scheduled, entitled “New Results on SHA-0 and SHA-1”. If there’s an SHA-1 collision announced, they’ll probably be the ones to do it.
Antoine Joux will present his SHA-0 collision. Also the authors of the slightly flawed paper claiming an MD5 collision have a presentation; it seems likely they’ll announce that they’ve fixed their bug and have a collision in MD5.
Each group has been given fifteen minutes, which is a significant departure from the normal five minutes allocated for rump session talks.
The session is tonight; I’ll give you an update as soon as I hear what happened. It will be webcast at 7PM Pacific time, tonight.
I wish I could be there, but I’m on the wrong coast. Anybody who is at Crypto is invited to post updates in the comments section of this post.
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