In the News Today

Avi Rubin Joins Diebold (via Avi Rubin)
RIAA Sues Google; Internet Doomed (via James Grimmelmann)
Valenti Condemns Avian P2P (via me)
EFF buys Department of Justice (also note: Valenti To Join EFF Board) (via EFF)
Omniscience Protocol Specification Published (via Scott Bradner)
Duke Buys the Public Domain (via ibiblio)
Google Staffing Lunar Office (via Google)
WalMart Buys Record Company (via Ernest Miller)
EZBake Oven For Your PC (via ThinkGeek)


3 responses to “In the News Today”

  1. In IT news

    After noting yesterday that “Diebold electronic voting machines are a danger to our democracy”, it makes all the sense in the world that Avi Rubin would announce today that he is joining Diebold to become its Chief Security Officer. Well,…

  2. In addition, I received the following pretty good e-mail, which will probably not make into the EFF archives:

             EFFector Vol. 17a, No. 1 April 1, 2004

             A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424
             In the 283rd and 1/2 Issue of EFFector:

                * EFF Announces Key Escrow Plan
                * SCO to Sue Over Unauthorized Use of Earth’s Resources
                * Studio Seeks to Enjoin Children from Blinking, Singing During TV Show
                * Microsoft Wins Patent for Software Industry Monopolization
                * Let the Sun Set on PATRIOT – Section 69
                * FBI’s “Totally Voluntary” Brain Implant Adds New Dimension to Trusted Traveler Program
                * EFF to Offer Tin Foil Hats as Membership Premium
                * MiniLinks (9): Why Consumers Love DRM
                * Staff Calendar: 04.01.04 – Entire staff going nowhere, doing nothing….

  3. It did make it into the archives.

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