I’ll be testifying tomorrow morning at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on “Consumer Privacy and Government Technology Mandates in the Digital Media Marketplace.”
The hearing is really about two topics: the DMCA subpoena process that allows copyright owners to learn the identities of Internet users (“Consumer Privacy”), and the impact of regulations that would require technology makers to build anti-copying technology into their devices (“Government Technology Mandates”). I’ll be on the panel discussing the second topic. Other witnesses on the panel will be Lawrence Blanford of Philips, Jack Valenti of the MPAA, and Chris Murray of Consumers Union.
I’ll post my written testimony here later. I’ll also post my impressions of the hearing afterward.
UPDATE (4:50 PM): It appears that a live Internet audiocast of the hearing will be available on capitolhearings.org, starting at 9:30 AM (Eastern). The hearing starts at 10:00 with a panel discussing the subpoena issue; I’m on the second panel.
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